. I had won it in a giveaway hosted by Jennifer from Running With Cake. This book was my inspiration to do this Yoga Event. Before that though I had started to get back into doing Yoga. P90X Yoga to be exact. I had borrowed a friends copy of it and have fallen totally in love with yoga.
At first, YES I was very sore, but I was using muscles that I have not used in years. In fact some of the poses I could not even do at first. I had always been somewhat flexible throughout my life and now that I had not been doing much of anything for the last few years had really caught up with me. This was a real eyeopener(as well as a "hip opener" lol) for me that I really need to get my body back. As a child I was active in ballet, swimming, and softball. I had always preferred a more "solo" type of sports and yoga is just that.
Yoga can awaken your inner you in a way that you cannot imagine, if you let your mind go into it. It is truly a HUGE stress reliever for me. A lot of times I will do yoga at night after I get everyone into bed. After a long crazy stressful day yoga is a godsend. It not only relaxes me, but also somewhat lowers my blood pressure. I have had high blood pressure for about the last 4 years. I am not saying that this can happen to everyone, just that it has lowered my blood pressure. I have become more focused and a bit calmer from doing yoga. So now if I have had a bad, stressful day I just turn to yoga to put me at peace.
Yoga has been a life saver for me the past few months and I am totally in love with it. I am not only doing this Yoga Event to celebrate my passion for yoga, but to also educate and hopefully inspire you to try yoga. I love yoga and I hope that you will too!
Would you like to win the book that inspired me to do this event? Head on over to my other blog Simply Fitting Into Life...and my old jeans to enter!
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